Thursday, October 17, 2013

So what's really important?

So what is really important?  That question has to many answers.  
It Depends on the person, where they live, how old they are, what time of day or even what the weather is like.  So I remind myself daily to ask myself ( one of many conversations I have with me, myself and I)...Self what I am spending my time worrying about, or thinking through or even the tasks at hand.  Are they most important to get me through my day successfully?  Will it fix or allow me to gain in a positive way? 
I have noticed that there is a lot of time wasted on little things that add up to a lot of time that we will never get back.  Like checking our fb, or phones 10 times a day.  Making our beds! 
I challenge you to for just one day..... Keep a total of the wasted time ...wasted time can be mental and physical..... Now everyone's idea of wasted time is going to be different but that's awesome, that is what defines us and makes us unique.
To me..... Time wasted is..... Allowing myself to get mad at idiot drivers, and waste all that energy in a negative way.  When I could be using my brain power to plan my next goal, or the next awesome memorable prank to play on someone.  It's easier said then done ! 
That's the challenge ... Just looking around at the beauty of nature(not man)is calming.  There are so many places and people to see and things to experience, that if feel that I'm not going to see enough in the time I have left on this earth.  Now saying that !!!!  We never know how long we have or how long of productive time we will have so that is why I don't want to waste 10 mins in a shitty way.  Life is not always going to be awesome or fun or as we expect.  But we need to say in those times.....Everything Happens For A Reason!   And wait to see the good come out of the bad situation.  I have been learning to do this and it is amazing what you see if you be patient and look at all the angles.  
Now I just celebrated my 43 birthday and had a self reflection of who I was and who I have become and why ? What made me who I am and how I think.   And I firmly believe we are all where we are suppose to be at different times in our lives for many different reasons,  some are not even for us but 
for others to learn or grow from.  I may not be perfect in many ways, but I can fix most of those imperfections, with education and perseverance.  All I need is the time and to focus my time in the right priorities to accomplish the end goal.  Hopefully I'll get another 43 years to get some really cool things done to add to my memory book and bucket list.  
Live life to the fullest and challenge your self everyday, because it's only you that can make you do it and mainly you that benefits.

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