Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hurricane!? What Next!

Ya so the last few days have been busy as the usual.  And now the weather is against us once again.   Oh well like the last post " Everything happens for a reason."  So we never got outta town on time - so we wouldn't be caught out there somewhere on the ICW.  
So it seems that on a boat you need to put everything away, just so you can pull it all out again to fix something else.  I kinda understand why on the pirate movies they don't have stuff.... It's because it just gets in the way...  So I think I only need 6 outfits, 2 warm, 3 shorts, one nice one in case I go ashore. lol  Then half a boat of can food that you just open and eat, because it is a pain washing dishes.  Then of course you can always store all the beer you want under the floor boards, (or rum)  that way it stays cold and no one else knows where you hide it :)  Ya simplicity is my new moto... who needs all this stuff ?  Sunscreen, bug screen, ponytails, 6 outfits, fishing rods. So I think the 3 years worth of Mary Kay was over kill! And nylons ?  why did I pack 10 pairs of those ?  like I'm going to wear them... I hardly wore them when I was at home!  They will be put in the truck in storage and not going on the boat.  So far Bruce and I both have a drawer and a cupboard each that are 12 in by 12 in by 6 in?  Ya that's not even enough for weeks underwear....  So I have to get creative.  Hanging nets are going to be full.
So what is this all about anyway?  People following dreams?  Trying different things?  Becoming a professional organizer? lol To me it is about learning, growing, and teaching from my experiences.  So I know this week that I do believe more can not make you happier, in fact less is best for me. 
 Well I just went to upload a few pictures but ? They are not there?  Hmmm.  We sent Steffanie up the mast today.  She was ok with it, good trooper..(she went half way 30 ft ish on a swinging chair)
Ok we are back in a hotel because of the hurricane that is suppose to hit here starting with rain tonight then hit hard Monday and Tues. So due to safety we could not stay at the boat yard.  So if you don't hear from me Monday /Tuesday maybe the power is out.
 So keep today's lesson in mind, unless it is "Love or Oxygen"  less is always More.  

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